Professional removal of calculus (scaling and sand blasting) should always be the first phase of a comprehensive dental treatment. It is no possible to precisely notice if a tooth decay occurs otherwise. DuoDenti clinic located in Poznan-Piatkowo provides preventive dentistry services for its patients, and the calculus removal is the procedure recommended for everyone.
Calculus is a mineralised, hardened dental plaque in a yellow or brown colour that is produced as a result of accumulation of food particles and bacteria on the enamel. Drinking tea and coffee, as well as smoking cigarettes facilitates accumulation of the tartar. Not only does it influence the way how teeth look and their condition, but it is also the main cause of periodontal inflammation. Poor oral hygiene, as well as the presence of tartar result in periodontosis, i.e. a disease that can, in turn, result in gomphosis and the loss of teeth. The range of methods used by our specialist includes scaling ad sand blasting.
SCALING is the process of removing supragingival and subgingival calculus using ultrasonic debridement (hand scaler).
SAND BLASTING is a process of removing tooth discoloration (dental plaque) of tooth crowns that are accumulated on the tooth surfaces as a result of external factors (smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and tea, as well as eating some food products). Dental plaque may be removed by using a special tool, called dental sandblaster, that uses a strong stream of air, water and sodium bicarbonate.
However, scaling and sand blasting are not enough. The effectiveness of both methods depends on thorough polishing of the tooth surface. It is also done by the specialist from DuoDenti clinic.
POLISHING protects from:
- accumulation of plaque on a rough surface that is to be subject to scaling,
- irritation of tongue, lips and cheeks as a result of a rough surface of the teeth.
The combination of three aforementioned methods guarantees the highest effectiveness of the procedure of calculus removal. It should be performed at least once or twice a year, and much more often if the inflammatory condition of a gum occurs, because it may prevent from periodontitis. Removing the calculus deposits systematically by a dentist is fully effective if patients remember about proper oral hygiene at home. That is why, our staff instructs patients how to keep the teeth and mouth clean and provides highly individual instructions to every patient.
DuoDenti located in Poznan-Piatkowo invites all people interested in a professional procedure of calculus removal.